Dynamic Keyword Insertion
Zzzzz… wake up! This isn’t as boring as it sounds. In essence it means you can control what your webpage says using the link you give people.
See? Not as dull as you thought!
Zzzzz… wake up! This isn’t as boring as it sounds. In essence it means you can control what your webpage says using the link you give people.
See? Not as dull as you thought!
You already create great content about your product, service or project. But you’ve seen others (maybe your competitor) posting all their good stuff on Facebook or Instagram, and you already see how that’s building trust and attracting new customers. So how do you start doing this yourself without looking like an amatuer? If you want …
Today I’m going to reveal the CHuMS method of creating insanely effective marketing.
It’s a method I have used over the years to improve all aspects of my marketing, and it’s based on science and everything!
So if you want to find out how this simple change will mean you can improve your marketing results by…
What have Shakespeare plays, toenail cutting and mustard got in common? They’re all categories of business listings on Yell.com!
If you’re anything like me, you’ve struggled to find a complete list of Yell categories in spreadsheet form.
Search no more – Super Al delivers…
You’ve unpacked Thrive Themes, you’ve installed everything and you’ve even remembered to add all the license keys. You build your first page, press ‘save’ and you just get a blank screen… SHIT! Don’t worry, it’s a simple fix. Here’s a 2 minute video walking you through the fix.
This week I am working out of Hanoi, Vietnam and it is just as insane as everyone told me it would be.
The street food is amazing, but is served on barely washed plates at tiny, playground-sized dirty tables, literally on the filthy back streets of this amazing city.
The people are very warm and friendly, but if you want to see real salesmanship in action, just wander the
Question: It’s midnight on the 31st December this year, What are you doing at that exact moment?
If you answered, ‘Updating the year on my copyright footers across all my Wordpress websites, of course!” then you’re an idiot.
You should be drinking champagne and trying to
Don’t get me wrong, I flippin’ love Facebook. It’s currently the best and cheapest way to reach your target customers, and you should probably be using it. However, it’s just a platform. It’s just a way to reach your audience. It’s just what us poncey marketers call, ‘a route to market‘. And if it closed down …
There was a great post by Mitch Miller the other day about niching & paid traffic, and how he thinks you’re doing it wrong. (Mitch has a pretty interesting past. Well worth a read.)
And he’s right, you know. (Me too until I read his post, by the way…)
Mitch is essentially saying:
Having an SEO-friendly URL structure can help search engines and users alike navigate your website more easily, potentially giving you an edge over the competition. To explain the basics, contributors John Lincoln and Brian Dean have put together this helpful infographic. Have a look at Search Engine Land for the full article. http://feeds.searchengineland.com/~r/searchengineland/~3/_ofvLpH3HL0/infographic-ultimate-guide-seo-friendly-urls-249397