Yep, I just likened myself to Liam Neeson's character in Taken. And I'm not even sorry.
Having trouble with your marketing? Overwhelmed with all those options? Daughter kidnapped by Albanian gangsters?
Whilst i can't help you with the third problem, I'm pretty good at the first and second. First, I want you to take a deep breath and accept it's not really your fault.
You see there's so much crap out there that it's easy to get overwhelmed.
Furthermore, any 20 year old kid can do a marketing course on Friday, and proclaim they're a Marketing Consultant on Monday, so it's becoming more and more difficult to find someone who actually knows what they're doing.
I don't pretend I'm the expert in everything marketing.
However, I am an expert in the three fundamentals of Marketing – principles that haven't changed in over 100 years:
- Target the right person
- Build Trust over time
- Attract the right Traffic (audience)
If you follow these 3 Golden Rules, it doesn't matter whether Facebook closes, Twitter flies away or Newspapers fold – you just stick to the strategy that's worked for Victorian shopkeepers and Silicon valley entrepreneurs alike.
Want a chat? See my availability here.
Sound familiar?
If you're anything like my current private clients, then you can relate to some (or maybe all) of these:
- You bought some marketing training or software that promised to make things easy, but everything's the same, and now you're out of pocket
- You've got plenty of new ideas, but lack the time or tech know-how to make them happen
- You're inundated with cold emails promising to improve your SEO or deliver quality enquiries, but you know they're sent a random by offshore spambots intent on funneling your hard-earned into their bank accounts
- You couldn't give a shiny shite about marketing – you just want your phone to ring with eager prospects who want to buy
Now I'm not saying that I can help. I don't know your situation, your business, your budget or your goals.
But what i can do is help you simplify the whole process and give you the perspecitve of a time-served marketer who's been in the game since 2002.
So even if you don't end up hiring me, you'll at least know where you're going wrong, and how to fix it.
So what's your problem then..?
“I need more visitors to my website”
Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet strip steak short loin jowl andouille. Turkey beef ribs boudin, shankle porchetta spare ribs chicken salami ball tip corned beef pig beef brisket leberkas ribeye.
“I need more visitors to my website”
Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet strip steak short loin jowl andouille. Turkey beef ribs boudin, shankle porchetta spare ribs chicken salami ball tip corned beef pig beef brisket leberkas ribeye.
“I need more visitors to my website”
Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet strip steak short loin jowl andouille. Turkey beef ribs boudin, shankle porchetta spare ribs chicken salami ball tip corned beef pig beef brisket leberkas ribeye.
90% of my private clients come to me with one of the following problems:
1: “I need to attract more visitors to my website.”
Your website is quieter than a Wetherspoons on a Tuesday morning. got
Book your no-obligation chat with me here and we'll discuss how to flood your website with visitors.
2: “I need to convert more visitors to enquiries.”
Book a no-obligation chat with me and I'll show you how to get up to 45% of web visitors to show interest in your company.
3: “I need to scale up what I'm doing right now.”
So it's going well. You're getting good levels of web traffic and you're converting them pretty well.
Find out your next step in world domination by booking your chat with me here.
4: “I've got another problem”
As long as it;s not a rash or relationshi[ issues, I'd like to see if I canhelp.
Schedule a chat here andwe'll talk thhrough your nesxt steps
What am i good (and bad) at?
Want to know what I can do? Fine. Here's a list:
- Website & landing page design.
- Email marketing
- Coptwriting
- Facebook advertising
- Email follow up
- Cold email outreach
- Marketing strategy
Phew. Now let's look at what i cannot do:
- Design fancy-assed websites.
- SEO.
- Google Adwords.
- PR.
- Social Media Management. (I can do Social Media Marketing though)
“I need more website visitors”
My Skills
Yep, I'm quoting Liam Neeson's character in the film, ‘Taken'. And I'm not even sorry.
I might not be as cool as Liam, my accent doesn't make the ladies wilt, and I certainly can't help if your duaghter has been kidnapped by Abanian gangsters.
But I do have a particular set of skills, a long career in Marketing (since 2002), and the knowhow and experience to make me a dream for business owners.
If you're looking for the following then I can help:
“Build it and they will come!” they said. “You just need to get your name out there!”.
So you did that. You've got a decent website. You gave your friends your business card. You network like a mad person. You've flyered whole streets and even posted on Facebook every day, and yet your frustration is the only thing that's growing.
Take a deep breath and a step back – you're not doing it wrong – it's just they haven't told you the whole truth.
You see, getting your phone to ring is actually simple enough when you follow the three golden rules:
- TARGET the right people
- Get them to TRUST you
The truth is its hard. But be reassured: If you're struggling, so is everyone else.
It's not enough to get enquiries

Market Research. ccc I know how to build, launch and optimise a webpage/website that will build trust and confidence
I've been building webpages, landing pages and full websites since 2005 (back when we had to hand-code every line in HTML) so I know how to build, launch and optimise a webpage/website that will build trust and confidence
Warning: If you want to show off to your mates down the golf course with flashy bollocks and sliding doohickeys, then I'm not the man for you. But if you want a site that's gonna convert day in, day out, then we should talk.
2. Email Marketing.
I've written newsletters, sales campaigns and even cold outreach emails that have reached millions of customers, so if you want to talk to your customers via email, I can help.
I can supply, clean and email lists of potential customers too – it's not simple, but it does work (11% response is my best stat so far!). Book a call and I'll show the whole process if you like.
3. Online Campaigns/Funnels.
Whilst the word ‘funnel' has a bad name, the principele has been the bedrock of marketing since the 1800's.
A funnel is basically a sequence of events that lead a stranger to your front door. I've build hundreds of these over the last 10 years and know what works and what doesn't.
Book a call with me and tell me your goals, and I'll show you how to achieve them.
4. Marketing Strategy.
Now before you tut and roll your eyes, a strategy shouldnt be a 10,000 word PDF that you galnce at ocne and sile in Dropbox.
No, a good marketing strategy will be the basis of everything you do, all the way from adverts you run, to how your gusy answer the phone.
I'll happily help you create an embarrasingly easy, at-a-glance strategy that will double, triple or quadrple your enquries in a short period of time. Book a call and I'll share everything.
5. Lead generation (AKA Getting Your Damn Phone To Ring).
Some peopel like spedning their Saturdays building IKEA furniture, and that's fine.
Others just want a nice place to sit without getting cramp in thier leg and blisters on their fingers.
That's what my Lead Generation service is all about. If you don't care about websites, adverts, SEO, email marketing and that shite, then I'lld o all that for you and just fill your inbox with hot, fresh, pre-ualified enquiries every single morning.
Book a call with me and I'll explain how it works.
I know – that's a lot to take in.
If you are like most of my clients and don't actually know what you need right now, why don't we start with a 20 minute chat on the phone, and you can tell me all the bullshit that's giving you a stomach ulcer. I'll not only show you practicla ways to reduce the acid reflux, but I'll also give you a no-obligation price to take it all away.
Click here to see my diary and choose a slot for us to talk.
How I can help you…
1. STRATEGY: I'll teach you my 9 step Marketing Blueprint.
This simplifies the science of selling, and if you follow it properly, will double your enquiries in 90 days. You can see it for free here.
2. WEBSITE/WORDPRESS: I'll build you a lovely looking website that will actually convert.
Warning: If you want to show off with flashy bollocks and sliding doohickeys, then I'm not the man for you. But if you want a site that's gonna convert day in, day out, then we should talk.
Oh, and I'm pretty good at building landing pages and opt-in pages too.
3. COPYWRITING/EMAIL MARKETING: I'll write you some lovely, chatty web pages and emails that'll make your prospects smile and your bank balance swell.
You already know my style, as you're reading this. So if you think your communications could be a little less corporate and more chatty, drop me a line.
How I CANNOT help you…
Ready for some honesty from me? This is a list of things I either can't do well enough to be cofrotable charging money for them, or won't do:
- Build you a fancy-assed website that will win awards. (I'm great at building websites that get results though)
- ‘Funnel-hack'. FFS… I hate this word. At best, you'll be copying an idea without the faintest knowledge fo how it wokrs for someone else, and at worse, you'll be plagiarising. So stop.
- Cold-email a list you've bought. There are ways of doing this, but you must be very very careful.
- Set up a Facebook Bot to bust your clients' chops. I'll happily show you how to use FB bots properly though!
- Sell you some magic marketing beans in the form of a 7 part course for £997. “But hurry, order today and you'll get these bonuses for FREE…” Oh do fuck off, love. That's like saying ‘Buy my course on DIY Space Rockets for Beginners, and in just 5 days you'll be on your way to the moon‘. Marketing is simple, but not ‘copy and paste' easy.
So if you fancy a totally no-obligation chat, use the fancy app below and schedule some time with me.